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J. Willard Marriott Library
Digital Exhibitions
A - G
Able, Elijah
Able Jr., Elijah
Able, Enoch
Able, Leo Earl
Able, Mary Ann Adams
Able, Moroni
Ables, Elijah R.
Ball, Joseph T.
Bankhead, Henrietta Leggroan
Bankhead, Marinda Redd
Banks, Elijah A.
Barr, Henry
Beaulieu, Freda Lucretia Magee
Bird, Martin
Brower, Mary Ann Valentine
Burdette, William A.
Burton, John
Cartwright, John H.
Church, Harriet Elnora Burchard
Church, John Taylor
Church, Violetta M.
Church, William Franklin
Clark, Ann
Clark, Charles A.
Clegg, Mary Ann Church
Cleverly, Olive Ellen Ritchie
Clory, Nellie Gray Patron Sargent
Copeland, Lewis
Copeland, Robert
Crosby, Oscar
Dana, Norma Rachel Ables
Davis, Norman Lee
Dencker, Bernina Layama Ward Petrone
Derricott, Annie Marie Sargent
Duffy, Thelma Leggroan
Ellis, Mildred Bernice Leggroan
Evans, Etta Mae Magee
Fango, Gobo
Flake, Green
Flake, Martha Ann Morris
Fleming, Frances Leggroan
Fluellen, Betsy Brown
Freeman, Daniel Bankhead
Gibson, Novella Frances Sargent
Graves, Marie Benjamin
Graves, William
H - K
Hamilton, Levi
Hanable, Raichel
Hariss, Sarah
Harmon, John Wesley Jr.
Harris, Bunk
Harris, Paul Thomas
Henderson, Isaac
Hofheintz, Sarah Ann Mode
Hood, Frances Ann Stewart
Hope, Len
Hope, Mary Lee Pugh
Hope, Roseanna
Howell, Abner Leonard
Howze, Francis Knight
Hunter, Jane
James, Albert Sherman
James, Jane Elizabeth Manning
James, Manissah
James, Mary Ann
James, Nella "Nellie"
James, Silas F.
James, Sylvester (infant)
James, William Henry
Jett, George
Johnson, Clara Sargent
Keller, George
Key, Junius
Key, Mary Virginia Sargent
Kidd, Arthur Samuel Sargent
Kirchhoff, Calvin Everett
Kirchhoff, Esther Jane "Nettie" Scott
Kirchhoff, Milton Boice
Knight, Martha Ann
Knight, Rachel
L - R
Lamb, Julia Miller
Langston, Elsie Virginia Ritchie Olson
Lay, Hark
Leggroan, Alice Weaver Boozer
Leggroan, Edward
Leggroan, Edward "Ned"
Leggroan, Esther Jane James
Leggroan, Gilbert
Leggroan, Henry Alexander
Leggroan, Hyrum
Leggroan, Louis
Leggroan, Phillip Jackson
Leggroan, Russell Morris
Leggroan, Sarah Ann
Leggroan, Susan Gray Reed
Lewis, Quack Walker
Litchford, Miles
Lynn, ArLene Ables
Magee, Ardella Bickham
Magee, Ernest Moroni
Magee, John Earlie
Magee, Percy
Magee, Samuel
Magee, Wilkie Flanders
Manning, Isaac Lewis
Meads, Rebecca Henrietta Foscue Bentley
Montgomery, Mary Green Cox
Morris, Gracie Sanford Sargent
Odom, Nona Margaret
Oldfield, Laura Church
Parmley, Harriet Green Hemingway
Pendleton, Eva Lena Sargent
Perkins, Sylvester
Priesly, John
Provis, Johanna Dorothea Louisa Langeveld
Rasmason, Margaret Henrietta Meads
Richards, James W.
Richards, Nicatie T.
Ritchie, James Alvie
Ritchie, Nelson Holder
Ritchie, Russell Dewey
Rogers, Elizabeth Bessie Ritchie
S - Z
Sailor One, 1853
Sailor Two, 1853
Sailor Three, 1853
Satterwhite, Susan Jackson Jett Strong
Sims, Katherine Fluellen
Smith, Nancy
Smith, Oscar
Sneider, Ida Bertha Bahm Odom
Stevens, Lucinda Vilate Flake
Tanner, William Leroy
Thompson, Gladys Vernell Davis
Thompson, James C.
Thompson, Mary Jane
Tye, Alwilda Jackson Jett
Unknown One, 1868
Unknown Two, 1868
Unknown Three, 1868
Wales, Hark
Walker, Lydia
Walker, Vander Magee
Willis, John R.
Wright, Katie Jett
Yelnock, Mary Annie Wallace
Yelnock, Sema Anthonie
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Samuel and Ardella Bickham Magee Family
Item set
Samuel and Ardella Bickham Magee Family
This item set includes descendants of the Samuel Magee and Ardella Bickham family baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in or before 1930.
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Magee, Ernest Moroni
Evans, Etta Mae Magee
Magee, John Earlie
Beaulieu, Freda Lucretia Magee
Magee, Wilkie Flanders
Walker, Vander Magee
Magee, Percy
Magee, Ardella Bickham
Magee, Samuel
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