Resources for further research


The Marriott Library hosts over 4,500 historical photographs of Glen Canyon.

Crampton, C. Gregory, Ghosts of Glen Canyon: history beneath Lake Powell (Bonneville Books, 2009)

Fowler, Don D. The Glen Canyon country: a personal memoir (University of Utah Press, 2011).

Martin, Russell, A Story that Stands Like a Dam: Glen Canyon & the struggle for the soul of the West (University of Utah Press, 2017).

Porter, Eliot, The place no one knew: Glen Canyon on the Colorado (Sierra Club Books, 1966)

Powell, John Wesley, Exploration of the Colorado River of the West and its tributaries, explored in 1869, 1870, 1871, and 1872. Available through the Digital Library at:

Oral Histories

Oral histories of river runners and guides of the Colorado River:

Other Resources Online


Exhibit created by Ken Rockwell, and adapted for OmekaS by Anna Neatrour and Rachel Wittmann

This exhibit was published in 2018
