Women's Chamber of Commerce Logo, Salt Lake City Before
S. L. Women's Council Backs Smoke Fight
Liberty Park, September 1916
Commercial Club (pervious name of Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce) group photo, circa 1915 Black and white post card photograph of an assembly of the members of the Commercial Club, probably in the 1910s.
Women Petition City to Enforce Smoke Ordinance
Radio Program Postcard
Smokeless Coal Processing Blueprint, American Lurgi Corporation
Utah Women's Club Presidents, portrait montage, Salt Lake Tribune, 1911 Under Club Notes, "Federation of Women's clubs is cooperating with the Commercial club in its efforts to abate the smoke nuisance in Salt Lake. A committee of prominent club women attended a meeting of the Monday evening and secured some desired legislation. A series of articles about methods for stopping the smoke nuisance by club women will appear in the newspapers of Salt Lake."
Utah Women's Club Presidents, portrait montage, Salt Lake Tribune, 1911 Under Club Notes, "Federation of Women's clubs is cooperating with the Commercial club in its efforts to abate the smoke nuisance in Salt Lake. A committee of prominent club women attended a meeting of the Monday evening and secured some desired legislation. A series of articles about methods for stopping the smoke nuisance by club women will appear in the newspapers of Salt Lake."
Salt Lake City Clubwomen Greet Arrival of First Lead of New Fuel
Jacobsen and Williams of U.S. Weather Bureau launching Radiosonde Balloon
Natural gas pipeline, Vernal, Utah Natural gas pipeline comes from the Diamond Mountain road and will extend 10.1 miles to the San Francisco Chemical Co. (Now Simplot) phosphate operation near Brush Creek.
Men laying gas pipeline Original title "Oil Industry P 24" with description "26754 Laying a gas pipeline". Men presumably laying a natural gas pipeline.
Women's Chamber Approves Fuel Plant Construction Talk
Women Weigh Smokeless Fuel Program
They're Planning Smokeless City Party Salt Lake Women's Chamber of Commerce Plans Smokeless City Luncheon Saturday
View of Geneva Steel, Provo, 1980 Color photograph of the Geneva Steel mill at Vineyard, Utah, as seen from the window of the train led by UP 8444 on a day excursion to Provo on May 24, 1980.
Salt Lake City Women's Chamber of Commerce Crusade Against Smoke
Cornelia Sorenson Lund [Mrs. Anthony C. Lund] Lund, Mrs. A.C., Senate, 1937
Minnie Neilson
Woman Washing Clothes, circa 1910 Original title: " Life in the West, Woman Washing Clothes"
Today's Smoke, March 4, 1941
Today's Smoke, March 3, 1941
Today's Smoke, March 5, 1941
Today's Smoke, March 17, 1941