Dr. Ellis Reynolds Shipp Dr. Ellis Reynold Shipp was an well known and distinguished doctor in Utah. She was a leader in the practice and teaching of medicine in Utah. She was one of Utah's first female doctors and established a school of obstetrics and nursing in 1878.
Deseret Hospital - Board of Directors Front row, left to right: Jane S. Richards, Emmeline B. Wells. Middle row: Phoebe Woodruff, Isabelle M. Horne, Eliza R. Snow, Zina D. Young, Marinda N. Hyde. Back row: Dr. Ellis R. Shipp, Bathsheba W. Smith, Elizabeth Howard, Dr. Romania B. Pratt Penrose. Taken from ""Women of Deseret,"" publication of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers. Utah writers' project. Used in Utah Historical Quarterly. Vol. 45-4 (Fall 1977).
Dr. Romania Bunnell Pratt Penrose Dr. Romania Bunnell Pratt Penrose was a pioneer doctor who graduated from the Women's Medical College of Philadelphia in 1877. She was also the wife of Parley P. Pratt, Jr. She later married Charles W. Penrose.
Women Suffrage Leaders Suffrage leaders: Emily Richards, Sarah M. Kimball, Phoebe Beatie, 1875.
Susan B. Anthony with a group of Utah and other Women Suffrage Leaders
Women Suffrage Leaders Women's suffrage group including Susan B. Anthony.
Group of 13th Ward Relief Society Sisters Wells, Emmeline B.; Goddard, George (Mrs. Musser, Mary; Mitchell, Maggie; Grant, Rachel; Smith, Bathsheba W.
Zina D. H. Young Zina Diantha Huntington Jacobs Smith Young (1821-1901) was a early Mormon pioneer and polygamous wife of both prophets Joseph Smith and later Brigham Young. She served as a midwife in Utah, was a general President of the LDS Church Relief Society, and a social activist.
Relief Society Nursing School Portrait of Margaret C. Roberts with a graduating class from the school operated by Salt Lake Stake.
George Franklin Edmunds Portrait Portrait of George Franklin Edmunds, 1828-1919.
John Randolph Tucker John Randolph Tucker was once Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He was opposed to the practice of polygamy, but opposed the Edmunds Act in 1882. He then wrote the Tucker bill which became the anit-polygamy Edmunds-Tucker Act of 1887.
Utah State Penitentiary - Sugar House Prisoners including George Q. Cannon, an early member of the Quorum of the Twelve. Image of polygamous prisoners at the Utah State Penitentiary in Sugar House, UT
Woman's Exponent | 1887-01-15 | Page 4
Woman's Exponent | 1912-05-01 | Page 1
Seraph Young Seraph Young, a niece of Brigham Young, was the first woman to legally vote in the United States. In 1870, Utah became one of the first territories/states to grant women full voting rights.
LuLu Greene Richards
Woman's Exponent | 1874-10-01 | Page 6
Household hints - gasoline, Woman's Exponent | 1911-07-01 | Page 7
Woman's Exponent | 1872-06-15 | Page 3
International Suffrage Song International Suffrage Song, from Woman's Exponent, 1909-05-01
A Utah Ladies' Journal, editorial from the first issue of the Woman's Exponent
Woman's Exponent 1872-06-01 page 5
Woman's Exponent first issue subscription rates
Notes and News, Woman's Exponent 1879-01-15, Page 8
Utah Women's Press Club, featuring many Woman's Exponent contributors. Utah Women's Press Club luncheon group, December 6, 1928. Ladies present at a luncheon in the Lion house, Salt Lake City, given December 6, 1928, to members of the Utah Women's Press Club, by Mrs. Susa Young Gates. Front row, left to right: Mrs. Louise Y. Robinson, Mrs. Julia B. Nibley, Mrs. Augusta W. Grant, Mrs. Alice R. Richards, Mrs. Susa Young Gates, Mrs. Lula L.G. Richards, Mrs. Annie Wells Cannon, Mrs. Zina Y. Card, Mrs. Emily S. Richards, Dr. Jane W. Skolfield and Mrs. Ellen Lee Sanders. Back row: Mrs. Emma Lucy Gates Bowen, Mrs. Mable Young Sanborn, Mrs. Hattie C. Jensen, Mrs. Margaret Fisher, Mrs. Elizabeth S. Wilcox, Mrs. Emma H. Jensen, Mrs. Mary F.K. Pye, Mrs. Florence S. Chritchlow, Mrs. Aimee Shiller, Mrs. Ellis S. Musser, Mrs. Lilian W. Robins, Mrs. Marian Kerr, Miss Clarissa Beesley, Mrs. Flora B. Horne. Upon this occasion, the Utah Women's Press Club was dissolved. Susa Young Gates, Widtsoe Collection.