Jane James and Family in the Brigham Young Household, 1855
A census of the Brigham Young household taken in 1855 which includes a column labeled "help". The entire Isaac and Jane Elizabeth Manning James family is listed in the "help" column. The document is labeled: "List of President Brigham Young's family residing in the 18th Ward. Taken March 19, 1855."
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Spatial Coverage
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Territory
Item Number
“A List of President Brigham Young’s Family Residing in the 18th Ward." March 19, 1855. Brigham Young office files. Miscellaneous Files, 1832-1878. Family information, circa 1853-1858. CR 1234 1, box 170, folder 26. Church History Library. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Digital Collection
Brigham Young Office Files. Miscellaneous Files, 1832-1878. Family information, circa 1853-1858. https://dcms.lds.org/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?dps_pid=IE3882494