Dal Siegel, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Hynda Rudd and Ralph DeRose, September 6, 1972 Transcript (39 pages) of an interview by Ralph DeRose and Hynda Rudd with Dal Siegel on September 6, 1972. From tape number H-11 in the Jewish Oral History Project;
Messrs. Sam and Abe Bernstein, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Hynda Rudd, November 4, 1973 Transcript (27 pages) of an interview by Hynda Rudd with Sam and Abe Bernstein on November 4, 1973. From tape number H-6 in the Jewish Oral History Project;
Ann and John Spensko, Helper, Utah, Carbon County oral history project, No. 8, May 7, 1982 The interview with Ann and John Spensko covers the subjects of background information, the 1924 Castle Gate mine explosion, the 1922 strike, softball, mining baseball league, formation of the United Mine Workers, the mining and municipal reaction to the union, relief protests, and the closure of the Spring Canyon Mine. The Carbon County oral history project (1972-1993) consists of oral histories from residents of Carbon County, Utah. While the main emphasis is on living in coal mine country, the interviews are verbal snapshots of rural Utah life from the earliest settlers to as recently as 1993.
Tony Pestotnik, Price, Utah, Carbon County oral history project, No. 24, July 3, 1982 The interview with Tony Pestotnick covers his parents' background, the 1922 mine strike, working conditions, the Miner's Camp Baseball League, experiences with Dr. Needles and other company doctors, impressions of the mines in Carbon County, and differences between early and current mining practices. The Carbon County oral history project (1972-1993) consists of oral histories from residents of Carbon County, Utah. While the main emphasis is on living in coal mine country, the interviews are verbal snapshots of rural Utah life from the earliest settlers to as recently as 1993.
Michi Kobi, New York City, New York, tape no. 6: an interview by Sandra Taylor, October 6, 1987 Typescript ( pages), the transcript of an interview by Sandra C. Taylor with Michi Kobi, a Japanese-American living in New York City. Interview took place on October 6, 1987, on behalf of the American West Center at the University of Utah
442nd Regiment in Europe, World War II Photo of 442nd Regiment in battle gear walking along dirt road in Europe.
Salt Lake City, 1950: Sheet 082
Salt Lake City, 1950: Sheet 082
Newly arrived evacuees standing behind their baggage. Photo of two newly arrived evacuees standing by a truck behind their baggage at the Tule Lake Relocation Center in California during World War II
Man and two women standing on the steps of a building. Photo of three evacuees (a man and two women) standing on the steps of a building at the Tule Lake Relocation Center in California during World War II
Newly arrived elderly man sitting on his luggage. Photo of a newly arrived elderly man sitting on his luggage, with barracks in the background, at the Tule Lake Relocation Center in California during World War II
Evacuees leaning against the fence surrounding the evacuation center. Photo of evacuees leaning against the fence surrounding the Tule Lake Relocation Center in California during World War II
Old Japanese evacuee Photo of an elderly evacuee posing outside at the Tule Lake Relocation Center in California during World War II
Emma Cohn and other teachers sitting on the steps with their Kindergarten class. Photo shows Emma Cohn and other teachers sitting on the steps of a building with their Kindergarten class
Main street of Helper, circa 1908. Photo shows stores on Main street of Helper, circa 1908.
News Advocate | 1928-03-10 | Page 1
Carbon County News | 1909-04-15 | Chance for Another Coal Mine Disaster
United Mine Workers Convention, Helper, Utah, June 8, 1919 Photo showing members of the United Mine Workers at a convention in Helper, Utah, 8 June 1919
Helper Engine and Crew; R.R. Yards, Helper, Utah; 1924 Photo showing a Railroad train and the Crew, Helper, Utah, 1924
W. F. Bulkley photographs, poster 04: Utah coal camps Poster containing photographs assembled by Episcopal priest William F. Bulkley, showing scenes from the coal mining towns in Carbon County, Utah
Welcome to Helper; Looking down Main Street to the Northwest; Helper, Utah; Spring 1934 Looking down Main Street to the Northwest, Helper, Utah, Spring of 1934
Manzanar Relocation camp, 1942 Photo of Manzanar relocation camp in Inyo County, California, including information sheet regarding photos by Dorothea Lange of internees.
Michi Kobi, New York City, New York, tape no. 6: an interview by Sandra Taylor, October 6, 1987
442nd Regiment in Europe, World War II Photo of 442nd Regiment in battle gear walking along dirt road in Europe.
Don Nakahata and Alice, Mill Valley, California, no. 30: an interview by Sandra Taylor, May 12, 1988