GSL Marinas, Sailing
The Lake is best seen from the water, and sailing has remained central to how Utahans experience the Great Salt Lake. This page collects visual and oral materials related to sailing on the Great Salt Lake, including the GSL Marina near the former site of Saltair.
Photo of a sailboat on the Great Salt Lake, cerca 1874. From the Great Salt Lake Photograph Collection, Marriott Digital Library
Click here for the full oral history with Dave Shearer
Dave Shearer is currently the harbormaster at the Great Salt Lake State Park Marina. He has been serving in that post since 1998. He moved to the marina in 1998, living on a boat docked there, and began volunteering with the Park Service on search and rescue until his appointment as harbormaster. Dave grew up in the Salt Lake area and first came to Great Salt Lake on a field trip in elementary school. He started sailboating with his family when he was ten. Eventually, along with his father and brother, he began sailboat racing and competed for many years all over the world. In this interview, Dave talks about his life and work at the Marina. He describes the business of running the marina. He discusses his search and rescue activities on the lake. He shares his thoughts about the lake, along with his hopes and vision of the lake’s future.
Click here for the full oral history with Gordon Gridley
Gordon Gridley was born and raised in Utah. He graduated from West High School, where he participated on the school swim team. He attended Ricks College in Idaho, the University of Utah, and Weber State University. He works as a software developer. Mr. Gridley was first introduced to open water swimming as a Boy Scout. He later participated in triathlons and became interested in swimming at the Great Salt Lake. He started the Great Salt Lake Open Water Marathon, and trained at the lake in preparation for swimming the English Channel, which he completed in August 2012. He is a Triple Crown open water swimmer, having swum the English Channel, Catalina Island, and the Manhattan Island Marathon. He successfully completed the Ice Mile Swim at Great Salt Lake in December 2013. He is actively involved in the Utah Master’s Swimming Program.
Click here for the full oral history with Tiff Jackson
Tiff(any) Jackson was born and raised in Bountiful, Utah. She grew up with a perfect view of the Great Salt Lake from her east bench childhood home. Her family spent time horseback riding on Antelope Island and swimming on the south shore of the lake. Tiff took her first sailing trip on the lake in the early 2000s and joined the Great Salt Lake Yacht Club the same year. She became involved with the club leadership first as the Social Director, and then was elected Commodore in November 2013. Tiff talks about the history and purpose of the Great Salt Lake Yacht Club, the activities of the club, and her involvement with the group. She relates personal experiences she’s had on the lake, along with favorite locations and memories.
Click here for the full oral history with Dave Shearer
In this clip, Dave Shearer talks about Search and Rescue operations on the lake.
Click here for the full oral history with Tiff Jackson
In this clip, Tiff Jackson talks about being Commodore of the Great Salt Lake Yacht Club.
Boat Harbor at Great Salt Lake. Utah Writers' Project photo, 1941. Classified Photo Collection, Copyright Utah State Historical Society.
Municipal boat harbor 18 miles west of Salt Lake, located on the shores of the Great Salt Lake. Utah Publicity Dept. From Classified Photo Collection, Copyright Utah State Historical Society.