Search Tips

You can search personal and corporate names in the search bar to the top right of the screen. 

Simple searches work best when you are searching for a single term, for example Woodruff to pull up all matches for that last name.

By default, multiple words are searched as an exact phrase, so Lucy Woodruff would find the following names:

It would miss other near matches such as:

An advanced search option is available too, if you want more typical keyword searching  for names that might have multiple variants. For WNAF, some of the search parameters on the advanced search you might wish to add are:

  • Item Set: WNAF
  • Entity Type is: Corporate Body or Personal Name
  • Authorized Form contains: keyword value of presonal name

Search example:

Looking for variants of the name "Lucy Woodruff" as keywords without an assumed phrase:

advanced search example


Results for this search are:

WNAF names data is also available through the OmekaS Rest API. We're currently investigating making a zipped export of all the data in WNAF available. In the meantime, if you wish to view the JSON for a WNAF item, you can do that with the following URL pattern:

Entry for Maurice Abravanel:

JSON for name entry:

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