Black Faculty and Staff Resistance
Item set
"Oppression is enforced in the ghetto by police," Gail Ortega of the Black Brothers Organizational Society charged Wednesday
Photo of Gail Ortega at a protest on campus on April 15, 1970 -
University of Utah Black Faculty, Staff and Students to David Gardner
"Recommendations for the University of Utah Institute of Black Life and Culture" -
Courtland Robinson to Jerry Anderson
letter from Courtland Robinson to Jerry Anderson about the Black Studies Program -
Carl Mason to Michael Patton
Letter from Carl Mason to Michael Patton about Black student needs and lack of administrative response. -
Black Student Demands
Demands written by Black Students -
Gordon Decision
Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee Ruling on Victor Gordon -
Fletcher to Gordon
Letter from President Fletcher to Victor Gordon requesting his resignation -
Gordon to Clyde, Fletcher, King, and Anderson
Gordon's refusal to resign letter -
Victor Gordon in "Editorial" by The Chronicle 11/10/1970
photo of Victor Gordon