Table of Contents

Each chapter heading below includes a short narrative introduction to the documents in that chapter. Each document or set of documents within each chapter also begins with a short introduction to the document or documents as well as the corresponding metadata. The transcribed documents themselves are then contained in a viewing screen which readers may scroll through and read for themselves.

The Trial of Don Pedro Leon Lujan

The documents in this chapter relate to the Luján trial and its intersections with the legislative session and correspond to the narrative history in Chapter 4 of This Abominable Slavery.

An Act for the Further Relief of Indian Slaves and Prisoners

The documents contained here correspond with the narrative history in Chapter 5 of This Abominable Slavery.

An Act in Relation to Service

The documents contained here correspond with the narrative history in Chapter 6 of This Abominable Slavery.

Race and Election Law

The documents contained here correspond with the narrative history in Chapter 7 of This Abominable Slavery.


The documents contained here correspond with the narrative history in Chapter 8 of This Abominable Slavery.

Slavery, Priesthood Denial, and Brigham Young versus Orson Pratt

The documents contained here correspond with the narrative history in Chapter 9 of This Abominable Slavery.

Utah's Juneteenth 

The documents contained here correspond with the narrative history in Chapter 10 of This Abominable Slavery.

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