You see, they had regulations 
in Window Rock that a White man 
had to locate claims 

on our reservation with the name
of a Navajo, so we’d

go get samples and try them out 
on the geiger counter. 
If we got results, 

we'd go back and locate 
the claim. We located 
fifteen claims
where there was a showing 

but I never had the capital 
to start any operations

myself. I figured, 
you know, I’d turn it all over
to the companies. Myself, 

I didn't have a claim 

that was feasible to operate.
But just because my prospecting
was a failure, doesn't mean 
prospecting on the reservation 
overall failed.

There's quite a few mines 
developed, and worked
with other people’s names: 

thousands and thousands 

of dollars were taken 
from those men’s mines.




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